Kickstart 2019 launched – cybersecurity as a new subject

The Swiss innovation promotion programme Kickstart is looking for promising young companies. In cooperation with the SATW and other partners, start-ups in the field of cybersecurity now also have the opportunity to participate. The application deadline is 17 May.

The application phase for the fourth Kickstart program in Zurich was opened on April 15. Kickstart promotes innovation through collaboration between young, successful growth companies and established companies and organizations. The program, which lasts several weeks, now accepts applications from tech start-ups. In 2019, cybersecurity start-ups will also be able to participate in the programme for the first time, thanks to the partnership with SATW, Mobiliar, Postfinance, PWC and Swisscom.

Valuable support for start-ups
The aim of the program is to initiate successful business relationships and partnerships between start-ups and established companies respectively organisations. "The program will make a significant contribution to improving and supplementing the ecosystem for cybersecurity solutions in Switzerland," says Umberto Annino, President of the Information Security Society Switzerland and member of the SATW Advisory Board Cybersecurity. Participants will have direct contact with the decision-makers of more than 25 Kickstart partner companies and organizations, support in cooperation with partners and access to a broad network of experts. Kickstart covers up to CHF 10,000 of the costs for the business development of the participants in Switzerland and offers access to a fund set up specifically for cooperations. The programme lasts four months, of which the start-ups spend a total of seven weeks at the Kraftwerk in the heart of Zurich.

Apply now
Tech start-ups with promising technologies, products or services can apply until May 17th. All further information about the Cybersecurity program and all important data can be found on the Kickstart website.

Nicole Wettstein, Head of Priority Program Cybersecurity, Tel. +41 44 226 50 13, nicole.wettstein(at)

About Kickstart
Kickstart bridges the gap between start-ups, corporates, cities, foundations and universities to accelerate deep tech innovation. Science and engineering driven technologies have the potential to solve humanity’s biggest challenges. They require unprecedented collaboration between powerful established organisations and the most audacious entrepreneurs out there. Each year, Kickstart brings around 50 such entrepreneurs to Switzerland to collaborate with key players for proof-of-concepts, pilot projects and other innovation partnerships. The program is free of charge (no fees, no equity) for selected growth ventures. In addition, the program supports up to eight intrapreneurship teams of companies and organizations each year.