Topical Platforms analyse scientific and engineering developments and activities in their field and identify future developments of major relevance to science, the economy and society in Switzerland. The Scientific Advisory Board assigns special tasks to the Topical Platforms, manages their tasks and organisation and elects their Chairpersons. The Topical Platforms report to the Scientific Advisory Board on an annual basis. The Secretariat maintains a close dialogue with the Topical Platform heads, draws on their expertise for publications and events and supports them in implementing projects and producing publications.
Head: Prof. Wolfgang Kröger
Head: Dr. Hans-Peter Meyer and Dr. Michael Altorfer
Head: Prof. Roger Marti
Head: Prof. Anna Valente
Head: Prof. Andreas Krause
Head: Prof. Erich Windhab
Head: Dr. Xaver Edelmann
Head: Prof. Giovanni Sansavini
Head: Prof. Daniel Gygax