Technology is multifaceted and the challenges are significant. While it is impossible to fully cover this broad range in our focus topics, it is reflected in the diversity of our members and network, which addresses various challenges in an effort to advance Switzerland’s position in the field in question.


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SATW welcomes 19 new members

SATW Further topics
Urs Hochstrasser in a suit in front of an abstract painting

Obituary – Prof. Dr Urs Hochstrasser, SATW Member

Further topics

Innovative solutions for the circular economy: impressions from the FTAL conference

Further topics
Colourful ear with abstract sound waves and lines

How technology is revolutionising hearing acoustics

Digitalisation Further topics

Your news

Can you see a technology challenge linked to science, business and/or government which is important for Switzerland as a centre of science and commerce? Do you want to bring it to the attention of a wider audience? If so, let us know what it is and we will publish your news item subject to prior review.

Send us an email


 Ester Elices

Ester Elices

Head of Communications and Marketing