Technology development is complex and time-consuming. It requires many years of continuous research, interdisciplinary skills and specialised infrastructure. Something that no research institution can afford by itself. SATW’s Advanced Manufacturing priority programme connects researchers from all over Switzerland – particularly young researchers. This promotes cooperation in the development of future manufacturing processes.



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SAMCE 2024: Three awards for manufacturing researchers from three parts of the country

Advanced Manufacturing
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SAMCE 2024: Innovation and networking for the future of manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing

Forum on the integration of AI and cobots: Experts discuss future developments at the Second Swiss Robotics Forum in Biel/Bienne

Advanced Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence

SATW facilitates the frequent exchange between researchers in the field of advanced manufacturing all over Switzerland. The working groups maintained by SATW foster communities of trust which results in more collaboration and a more efficient knowledge transfer across research groups of different Swiss research institutions.

Anna Valente, SUPSI

Through its activities and platforms, SATW gives science and industry in Switzerland an opportunity to engage in dialogue and learn from each other, launch new cooperative ventures and, as a result, shape our future together. We have been using this opportunity within the Advanced Manufacturing Research Alliance for many years and are very grateful for it.

Lars Sommerhäuser, Empa


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Framework for interdisciplinary projects in the context of "Industrie 4.0"

Advanced Manufacturing

Factsheet Additive Manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing
Hightech cube surrounded by industrial gears

Advanced Manufacturing in Switzerland

Advanced Manufacturing

SATW Advanced Manufacturing Research Alliance

The future of production technology lies in advanced manufacturing. However, the complex nature of this specialist field demands close cooperation between different research organisations. This is why SATW set up its Advanced Manufacturing Research Alliance. The Alliance promotes cooperation between existing research organisations, focusing particularly on additive manufacturing processes and Industry 4.0.

Get to know the Research Alliance


 Manuel Kugler

Manuel Kugler

Data & AI Programme Manager / Advanced Manufacturing