Cyber Study 2024: protective measures are often neglected

The Cyber Study 2024 shows: Cybercrime is a serious threat for Swiss SMEs, IT service providers and private individuals - but many are hardly taking any protective measures.

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The representative Cyber Study 2024 shows that many Swiss SMEs, IT service providers and private individuals see cybercrime as a serious threat, but only a few actively take protective measures. Around 5% of the population and 4% of SMEs and IT service providers have been affected by cyberattacks in the last three years.

Particularly worrying: 40% of affected companies have neither an emergency plan nor a business continuity strategy. The study calls for awareness-raising and increased security measures in order to strengthen digital resilience in Switzerland in the long term.


Marc K. Peter, Katja Dörlemann, Kristof Hertig, Andreas W. Kaelin, Karin Mändli Lerch, Patric Vifian, Nicole Wettstein

Research partners:

Die Mobiliar, digitalswitzerland, FHNW School of Business, Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW, Allianz Digitale Sicherheit Schweiz ADSS and YouGov

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