Green hydrogen - a contribution to Switzerland's security of supply and decarbonisation

The conversion of energy systems to climate neutrality and security of supply poses major challenges for Switzerland. Hydrogen has a special role to play in the efforts to decarbonise the energy systems - especially if it is produced ‘green’, i.e. with renewable energy. 

What is the potential of green hydrogen for Switzerland? And what steps are needed to utilise this potential?  
The new SATW publication, which was produced in collaboration with renowned, independent energy experts, provides an overview of the possibilities of hydrogen technology and applications and shows how hydrogen can be produced, stored, distributed and used in Switzerland.  It thus identifies the most important questions and recommendations relating to hydrogen for the current energy debate - for experts and decision-makers in politics, administration, research and business.  A short version summarises these findings, the most important questions and recommendations for the current energy debate. The publication is in line with the national hydrogen strategy presented by the Federal Council in December 2024.

Short version


Marco Berg (Stiftung Klimaschutz und CO₂‑Kompensation KliK), Konstantinos Boulouchos (ETH Zürich), Bernhard Braunecker (Schweiz. Physikalische Gesellschaft SPG), Brigitte Buchmann (formerly EMPA), Rita Hofmann (formerly BFH), Wolfgang Kroeger (formerly ETH Zürich), Christian Schaffner (ETH Zürich), Karin Schröter (Electrosuisse), Andreas Züttel (EPFL).

Author and project management:

Christian Holzner (SATW)