Making full use of healthy whey

Prof. Daniel Heine and Dr. Lisamaria Bracher, Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH

Swiss cows give 3.4 billion litres of milk each year, almost half of which is turned into cheese. This process results in a corresponding amount of whey, a by-product that contains valuable vitamins and minerals. The Bioconversion and Protective Cultures team at Bern University of Applied Sciences, led by Daniel Heine and Lisamaria Bracher, are working with Agroscope Liebefeld and young company Lokalgenuss Ltd  to determine how this whey can be used in its entirety for human nutrition.

The aim is to use the natural process of lactic acid fermentation to enhance the whey. This will not only extend its stability, it will also give it a pleasant taste and maximise its nutritional value.

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