Module leaders wanted

Do you work in a technical or scientific profession? Would you like to pass on your fascination for technology and science to young people? Can you prepare and present a topic of your choice as part of a 90-minute module in a clear, interactive and understandable way for 12 to 19-year-olds? Then we look forward to your enrolment. We would also be happy to inform and advise you personally.

Translated with DeepL

Information for module organisers


The call for applications for the TecDays in spring 2025 has been finalised.

Many thanks to all contributors!

Further TecDay dates that are already known can always be found here.

You will find the call for events for autumn/winter 2025 here from mid-March 2025.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact us at

Are you a researcher and do you work with a French team?

Thefederal government's programme to promote bilateral research cooperation between Switzerland and France "Germaine de Staël" is open to all research disciplines and reimburses researchers working with French research partners for travel expenses and costs for short stays in France.

Germaine de Staël

Applications for the 2026-2027 funding period can be submitted until 15 May 2025.

Experts wanted for intrinsic colearning lab

We would also like to draw your attention to the intrinsic colearning lab. We are always looking for experts from various fields who are willing to support the project with a commitment of approx. 2 half days per year.

Information and contact

With Scientists -Expert:innenliste der scnat

Our partner academy of natural sciences scnat maintains a database of experts who work in science (research, production, analysis, etc.), are happy to pass on their passion and have the necessary resources (time for visits or lectures, infrastructure for at least four practical half-days during a Matura thesis).

List of experts