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Switzerland needs talent. Due to its size in relation to its economic strength, however, it must not only support every initiative to promote young talent at home, but also be attractive to talented people from abroad who see Switzerland as a breeding ground in which they can develop. We at the SATW are also very committed to various activities to promote both national and international young talent, including the Swiss TecLadies programme, the well-known TecDays at cantonal schools and the Germaine de Staël programme. I am therefore all the more delighted about the ranking published last week by INSEAD, in which Switzerland was named the world's most attractive country for young talent.
Several criteria are taken into account, including the quality of education, lifelong learning and the flexibility of the labour market. Overall, Switzerland came top of the winners' podium ahead of all 133 countries surveyed. Excellent news, but above all an incentive to focus our attention not only on this key criterion of our development, but also on the factors of innovation, inventiveness, etc., which are only an expression of the activity of these talents.
The icing on the cake: the best-ranked cities in the world are Zurich (3rd), just after San Francisco (1st) and Boston (2nd), Lausanne (5th) after Seattle (4th) and Geneva (7th) after Singapore, which allows me to send a message to our local investors, who all too often seem to disdain regional quality: We play in the same league! ... so trust in our local values and forget the old adage that no man is a prophet in his own land. Switzerland has its talented prophets and is able to attract them ... with your support.
If you would like to know more about SATW's activities to promote young talent, click here.