TecNight Wohlen: 800 pupils and hundreds of interested people on a voyage of discovery - with astronaut Claude Nicollier

At the end of October 2024, the cantonal school in Wohlen was transformed into a centre for STEM sciences for one day. Around 50 invited experts from research and industry showed the pupils hands-on and try-out applications of technology and science. The subsequent TecNight, which was open to the public, focussed on presentations and an exchange between science and society. This met with great interest. During the Science Talk with Claude Nicollier, the 300-person auditorium was almost bursting at the seams.

The varied programme started with the TecDay afternoon for the pupils of the Kantonsschule Wohlen (gymnasium). For once, the 800 or so young people enjoyed immersing themselves in new knowledge without having to sit exams.

Technology for experimenting and testing

The module organisers came up with a number of ideas to present the subject matter in a clear, understandable and entertaining way. Each module offered a practical ‘hands-on’ part with experiments, from sewing with a surgical needle to a post run in Minecraft and tinkering with electronic waste to make music and programming a small industrial robot.

Fascinating world of technology for young and old

The Kantonsschule Wohlen then opened its doors to everyone from 5 pm. Pupils, family members, friends and interested parties from the region had the choice of three science talks, 41 exciting presentations by experts and fascinating exhibits, including a wind tunnel, various robots, special cameras and the Mars Rover.

The topics ranged from nuclear fusion, nuclear waste storage and global warming to artificial intelligence, cyber security and mobility, nanotechnology, digital transformation in healthcare and cancer research. On behalf of hundreds of others, three schoolgirls told us between presentations how amazed they were by the simulated effects of drug or alcohol consumption on the cycling simulator and that they were delighted to meet their siblings and parents again on their own discovery tours through the classrooms.

Pursuing goals with commitment is most important

A father and son were impressed by the cybersecurity presentation, while two students challenged the expert with questions during the science talk on AI. Space pioneer Claude Nicollier was available to sign autographs and take group selfies for a good half hour after his presentation. Asked by a 10-year-old what he would have to do to become an astronaut, Nicollier said: ‘Attending good schools and studying something technical is the basis. To fly a rocket or a space shuttle, military or civilian pilot training also helps. But the most important thing is: you must always believe that you can achieve your goals!’

The TecDay and TecNight in Wohlen showed once again that there is nothing better for a gripping technical presentation than asking experts who are leaders in their field and can answer questions about technical curricula, too.

A big thank you to all our inspiring speakers, all committed organisations, partners and tireless helpers who made TecDay and TecNight Wohlen an unforgettable experience!


ABB, AirScale, Am Steuer Nie, Axpo Power AG, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Credit Suisse AG, CSEM SA, EAWAG AG, Empa, EPFL, ETH Zurich, University of Applied Sciences Graubünden, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Fernfachhochschule Schweiz, GirlsCodeToo, Google, HE-Arc Neuchâtel, HFS Aqua AG, Hochschule Luzern, Holinger AG, maxon, myclimate, Nagra, Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Schweizerischer Erdbebendienst, SendMeBag, Sensirion AG, Smartfeld, Supertext x Textshuttle, Swiss Business Protection AG, Swiss International Air Lines, Swiss Plasma Center PSI, TBF + Partner AG, University of Basel, University of Bern, University of Freiburg im Breisgau, University of Lucerne, University of Zurich, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Waltisberg Consulting, Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
