Vision and principles of "Advanced Cybersecurity" for Switzerland

In the policy paper, the members of the SATW Cybersecurity Advisory Board explain the priorities in the subject area that are a basic prerequisite for Switzerland to be able to exploit the opportunities of digitalisation. The challenges and fields of action that SATW is committed to addressing as part of the cybersecurity priority programme are listed.

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Karl Aberer (EPFL) | Umberto Annino (ISSS) | Alain Beuchat (UBS) | Matthias Bossardt (KPMG) | Adolf Dörig (Doerig & Partner) | Roger Halbheer (Microsoft) |Pascal Lamia (MELANI) | Martin Leuthold (Switch) | Hannes Lubich (FHNW) | Adrian Perrig (ETHZ) | Riccardo Sibilia (VBS) | Bernhard Tellenbach (ZHAW) | Stephanie Teufel (Uni Fribourg) | Daniel Walther (Swatch Group Services) | Andreas Wespi (IBM Research Lab)


Esther Koller-Meier (SATW) | Nicole Wettstein (SATW)