Working from home and cyber security in Swiss SMEs

A representative survey of Swiss SMEs

Home office is establishing itself as a place of work for SMEs: plenty of potential for organisational measures to protect against cyber risks.

Small Swiss companies are demonstrating flexibility during the coronavirus crisis. Thanks to modern infrastructure, work can be done from home if business activities permit. The use of working from home has doubled since the start of the coronavirus crisis. The downside: while a quarter of the companies surveyed were affected by cyberattacks in 2020, this figure rose to more than a third in the second survey. The implementation of technical measures against cyberattacks is at a high level. However, there is a lot of potential in the implementation of organisational measures such as security audits and employee training.

Media release (in German)

Final report gfs (in German)

Study (in German)

The study was conducted by gfs-Zurich on behalf of Mobiliar, digitalswitzerland, the Swiss Digital Security Alliance, the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland - Centre of Excellence for Digital Transformation and the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences.


Marc K. Peter, Andreas Hölzli, Andreas W. Kaelin, Karin Mändli Lerch, Patric Vifian, Nicole Wettstein