Factsheet “Autonomous Mobility”

The topical platform “autonomous mobility” has compiled a factsheet to provide information on the topic and to identify opportunities and problem areas.

The future aim of highly and fully automated vehicles with corresponding drive systems is to free drivers from often tedious tasks, eliminate them as a source of danger, and make more efficient use of infrastructure. They require an almost unimaginably high level of digitalisation, artificial intelligence usage and innovative networking to enable extremely complex systems to emerge.

The table in the factsheet provides a detailed overview of the current challenges on a technical, legal, environmental and social level, and shows some potential benefits. It focuses on vehicles for passenger transport with a high traffic share. It is clear that developing systems like this represents a huge technical challenge. Whether all of the current problems can be solved remains uncertain. The systems need to be extremely reliable in a dynamic, complex environment with, in some cases, extreme road and weather conditions, and be able to function safely for long periods.

Factsheet “Autonomous Mobility” in German

Main author:

Wolfgang Kröger (SATW)

Further authors:

Andreas Burgener (Auto Schweiz), Bernhard Gerster (BFH), Stefan Huonder (ASTRA), Werner Jeger (ASTRA), Esther Koller (SATW), Manuel Kugler (SATW), Marco  Laumanns (Bestmile), Jürg Michel (Postauto Schweiz), Thomas Probst (Universität Freiburg) and Reto Schneider (SWICA)


Claudia Schärer and Beatrice Huber (SATW)