Factsheet "Self-determined data sharing"

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Data is valuable and is influencing more and more areas of our lives. Business models are based on its processing and research needs it for scientific findings. However, data can be utilised far beyond its original purpose if advanced approaches are applied. Data rooms offer a technical solution for the secondary use of data. It is important to establish ground rules that take into account digital self-determination, the protection of citizens, research interests and economic interests. Find out more about the opportunities and challenges of self-determined data sharing in our factsheet "Sharing data in a self-determined way".

Factsheet in German

Factsheet in French


Roger Abächerli, Andreas Bieniok, Serge Bignens, Nicolas Brandenberg, Oliver Buschor, Giulia Fitzpatrick, Christian Laux, Richard Lutz, Clemens Mader, Daniela Melone, Peggy Neubert, Tobias Röhl, Daniel Säuberli, David Schiller, Andreas Schlag, Marie-Jeanne Semnar, Stefan Spycher, Thomas Teichmüller, Christoph Wittmer

Core group

Jonas Bärtschi, Mathis Brauchbar, André Golliez, Esther Koller, Andreas Kronawitter, Sebastian Sigloch