Reflections on e-Society in Switzerland

Digitalisation is having a lasting impact on the way we live together and on our economy. It is necessary to create framework conditions in Switzerland in order to keep the social order and Switzerland as a centre of business up-to-date, competitive and successful in a future determined by digital processes. In the discussion paper, members of the Advisory Board Cybersecurity SATW provide food for thought for further discussion, refinement and the formation of the broadest possible social consensus in the area of e-Society.

Discussion paper on e-Society in Switzerland in German


Karl Aberer (EPFL) | Umberto Annino (ISSS) | Alain Beuchat (UBS) |  Adolf Doerig (Doerig & Partner) | Roger Halbheer (Microsoft) | Martin Leuthold (Switch) |  Hannes Lubich (FHNW) | Adrian Perrig (ETHZ) | Bernhard Tellenbach (ZHAW) |  Daniel Walther (Swatch Group Services) | Andreas Wespi (IBM Research Lab)


Adrian Sulzer | Nicole Wettstein