Switzerland is in a good starting position

An interdepartmental working group on artificial intelligence was commissioned by the Federal Council to analyse the challenges of artificial intelligence and any need for action on the part of the federal government. A report acknowledged by the Federal Council in December 2019 shows that Switzerland is generally well positioned for the application and challenges of artificial intelligence. However, there is a need for action to varying degrees in different areas. This has been recognised and is largely already being addressed.

AI in industry and services


Matthias Graeber, Bühler AG; Marcus Griesser, SBB; Simon Hefti, D-ONE; Gundula Heinatz, D+S; Marc Holitscher, Microsoft; Claus Horn, Swiss RE; Jérôme Koller, Mobiliar; Jürg Meierhofer, ZHAW; Erika Meins, Mobiliar; Philipp Morf, Zühlke; Martin Näf, ABB; André Rubén, Siemens; Robert Rudolph, Swissmem; Philipp Schmid, CSEM; Davide Scaramuzza, UZH; René Schumann, SGAICO; Sven Seuken, UZH; Thilo Stadelmann, ZHAW; Toni Wäfler, FHNW; Christian Westermann, PwC


Beatrice Huber; Esther Koller-Meier; Manuel Kugler; Adrian Sulzer

AI in science and research:


Karl Aberer, EPFL; Hervé Bourlard, Idiap; Anaïc Cordoba, IGE; Boi Faltings, EPFL; Luca Gambardella, IDSIA; Erik Graf, BFH; Malte Helmert, University of Basel; Andreas Krause, ETH Zurich; Clemens Mader, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, University of Geneva; Empa; Nicola Serra, University of Zurich / CERN


Esther Koller-Meier; Manuel Kugler; Adrian Sulzer