Technology Outlook 2019

Big Data, Sustainable Food Products and Photovoltaics: Switzerland should rely on these and other technologies

Observers of the global industrial landscape will have noticed that novelty has becomemore important. The pressure to innovate is steadily increasing on established companies. Available time between invention and market entry is decreasing. In order to survive, firms must decide faster than ever which path to take in renewing their productportfolio and how to successfully stand their ground in the race for innovation. In order to actively tackle the race for innovation at an earlier stage, one needs to beinformed at an earlier stage. To this end, in 2015 the SATW published its first TechnologyOutlook by way of experiment. It was well received, yet it had its weaknesses and blindspots. The Technology Outlook 2017 provided better coverage of “neglected” important areas. The experience of these past four years has shown that publishing the Technology Outlook at two-year intervals provides the right and necessary distance with regard tothe twists and turns of a shifting industrial landscape and the accompanying mediahype. For the Technology Outlook 2019, the SATW Executive Committee took an importantstep and handed project ownership to the Scientific Advisory Board. This has certainlybenefited both the publication’s content and scope. Compared to previous editions, authors have deepened their research, improved the report’s structure and takena more quantitative approach. The SATW’s multi-step quality control mechanisms forthe material’s critical appraisal performed well. In its final form, the manuscript owesmuch to the SATW Secretariat’s editing work. I thank all contributors to this process!In the name of the Scientific Advisory Board, I wish you a stimulating read and hope theTechnology Outlook 2019 can provide valuable orientation and guidance. 


Technology Outlook 2019 (PDF)


Christophe Ballif, Rebecca Buller, Max Erick Busse-Grawitz, Ulrich Claessen, Andreas Conzelmann,
Alessandro Curioni, Lukas Czornomaz, Reinhard Czichy, René Dändliker, Djordje Filipovic, Willy Gehrer,
Bernhard Gerster, David Grosspietsch, Daniel Gygax, Gerrit Hagens, Manfred Heuberger, Pavel Hora, Paul Keller,
Wolfgang Kröger, Thomas Küchler, Andreas Kunz, Roland Küpfer, Christian Leinenbach, Frank Liebisch, Urs Mäder,
Niko Manopulo, Roger Marti, Hans-Peter Meyer, Bradley Nelson, Andrew Paice, Sven Panke, Thomas Puschmann,
Michael Raghunath, Peter Richner, Thomas J. Schmidt, Roland Siegwart, Adriaan Spierings, Lars Sommerhäuser,
Bernhard Tellenbach, Andrea Vezzini, Erich Windhab

Steering (scientific advisory board of SATW):

Hans Altherr, Bernhard Braunecker, Robert Frigg, René Hüsler, Peter Seitz, Ulrich W. Suter, Alessandro Tschabold

Project lead:

Claudia Schärer


Beatrice Huber, Adrian Sulzer