Technology Outlook 2021

Every two years, SATW produces an early identification report, the Technology Outlook, which describes promising technologies, assesses their significance for Switzerland and compares Switzerland with selected European countries based on social media posts.

For the first time, the significance of the technologies for Switzerland, but also the intensity of the discussion on social media is shown as a trend overt time.


Technology Outlook 2021


Thomas Anken, Christian Bach, Christophe Ballif, Fritz Bircher, Bernhard Braunecker, Rebecca Buller, Urs Burckhardt, Max Erick Busse-Grawitz, Vicente Carabias, Andreas Conzelmann, Alessandro Curioni, Reinhard Czichy, Patricia Deflorin, Gregor Dürrenberger, Xaver Edelmann, Regine Eibl, Andreas Fuhrer, René Gälli, Bernhard Gerster, André Golliez, Christian Grasser, Pierangelo Gröning, Daniel Gygax, Manfred Heuberger, Alessandra Hool, Hans-Peter Käser, Walter Karlen, Steffen Kelch, Christoph Kolano, Agathe Koller, Jens Krauss, Wolfgang Kröger, Thomas Küchler, Roland Küpfer, Andreas Kunz, Christian Laux, Daniel Liebhart, Katharina Link, Urs Mäder, Roger Marti, Hans-Peter Meyer, Bradley Nelson, Kristina Orehounig, Andrew Paice, Sven Panke, Greta Patzke, Adrian Perrig, Guido Piai, Thomas Puschmann, Michael Raghunath, Jörg Roth, Mark Rubin, Patrick Ruch, Christian Schaffner, Stefan Scheidegger, Daniel Schmid, Philipp Schmid, Thomas Justus Schmidt, Roland Siegwart, Lars Sommerhäuser, Adriaan Spierings, Thilo Stöferle, Bernhard Tellenbach, Anna Valente, Ilona Wettstein, Nicole Wettstein, Erich Windhab, Felix Wortmann, Tomas de Wouters, Shancong Yu, Manfred Zinn

Steering (SATW Scientific Advisory Board):

Hans Altherr, Walter J. Ammann, Bernhard Braunecker, Ulrich Claessen, Djordje Filipovic, Robert Frigg, Rolf Hügli, René Hüsler, Agathe Koller, Urs Mäder, Hans-Peter Meyer, Peter Seitz, Ulrich W. Suter, Alessandro Tschabold

Project Lead:

Claudia Schärer


Beatrice Huber, Esther Lombardini