SAMCE Initiative officially launched

After months of preparation the SAMCE (Swiss Advanced Manufacturing Community Events) Initiative was officially launched with an online event taking place on 21 January at 3 pm sharp. It was the starting point of a series of events aiming at uniting the Swiss scientific community in the field of advanced manufacturing and at fostering and facilitating scientific exchange and collaboration. More than 140 scientists from various Swiss research institutions attended the launch event.

After months of preparation the SAMCE (Swiss Advanced Manufacturing Community Events) Initiative was officially launched with an online event taking place on 21 January at 3 pm sharp. It was the starting point of a series of events aiming at uniting the Swiss scientific community in the field of advanced manufacturing and at fostering and facilitating scientific exchange and collaboration. More than 140 scientists from various Swiss research institutions attended the launch event.

The goal of the launch event was to get people involved and to get to know each other. The event consisted of different modules, providing inspiring input and several possibilities for the participants to interact with each other. Larissa Schefer from the ETH Zurich Competence Center for Materials and Processes welcomed the participants and introduced them to the spirit of the initiative. During the introduction, the attendees were asked to submit terms they associate with advanced manufacturing in an online poll. The word cloud suggests that according to the community – amongst many other things – advanced manufacturing will contribute to a sustainable future by innovations.

Scientists, redesign our future!

That paved the way for Lars Sommerhäuser from Empa, Programme Manager of the SFA Advanced Manufacturing and individual member of SATW. He introduced Clémence Golinelli who is a learning designer at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. She painted a bigger picture in her inspiring keynote «What if». The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is on a global mission to accelerate the transition from our current linear economic model to a circular economy. Instead of taking resources from the earth to produce something which then ends up being waste, a circular economy is restorative and regenerative. Waste and pollution are avoided by design, products and materials are kept in use and natural systems can regenerate – everything is food for something else. According to Clémence Golinelli scientists hold the power to redesign our future and are key for enabling a circular economy. For this, it is important to think and act outside of the known patterns, because «Resources are limited, imagination is endless».

Junior scientists crossing borders and entering unknown territory

The fast-paced IGNITE session was moderated by Stephan Fahlbusch from Empa. Young scientists talked about how they develop new cutting-edge technologies. They presented their research ranging from 3D printing new materials and tougher products to parameter studies, functionalisation techniques and applying artificial intelligence to control processes in advanced manufacturing. The six scientists from EPFL, ETH Zurich, Empa, SUPSI and ZHAW did all a fantastic job in presenting their time-triggered slides with no chance of running over time. But it was Giulio Masinelli from Empa who in this session was selected best speaker by the audience and received a special price at the end of the event and will get speaking time at the SAMCE Zurich | 2021 which will take place on 14/15 July.

How to push technological breakthroughs

In the DISCUSS module 16 young professors and experienced scientists from different Swiss research institutions were volunteering to moderate breakout sessions with five to six scientists. Using virtual whiteboards, moderators gathered and discussed the key success factors for technological breakthroughs, as well as the anchors that stand in the way.

After a short break Bruno Studach from EPFL led the session of the CONNECT talks. There, six scientists presented challenges they are currently facing in their research. By giving them the chance to address the community, the hope is that scientists connect and contact each other to learn more, exchange ideas and collaborate to support each other in overcoming their challenges.

Finally, in the MEET module the participants were mixed up and randomly divided into groups of four to give them opportunities to meet other scientists and expand their network.

A picture says more than 1000 words

The two hours of the SAMCE launch were packed with 13 talks and several interactive sessions in five different modules covering numerous topics of advanced manufacturing. It would take significantly longer to work through the presentations and get an overview. Luckily, all of this was captured and visualized in a single graphical recording which is easier and more enjoyable to explore.

Being successfully launched, the SAMCE initiative will be continued in summer. Stay tuned for the SAMCE 2021 | Zurich programme.

About the Swiss Advanced Manufacturing Community Events SAMCE

The motivation for this initiative is based on the believe in the power of scientific exchange and collaboration. It aims at connecting scientists across disciplines and institutions in the field of advanced manufacturing to build a strong scientific community in this domain and foster collaborations enabling the development of the next generation of innovative products and processes.

SAMCE are especially made for young scientists active in advanced manufacturing in Switzerland who strive for scientific exchange and who are prepared to share and discuss ideas, to support and to work with colleagues across disciplines and institutions.

SAMCE are prepared and initiated by seven representatives of ETH Zurich, EPFL, Empa, the SFA-AM and SATW forming the organising committee, who are organizing a series of such community events.