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40 articles
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SATW welcomes 19 new members

SATW Further topics
Urs Hochstrasser in a suit in front of an abstract painting

Obituary – Prof. Dr Urs Hochstrasser, SATW Member

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Innovative solutions for the circular economy: impressions from the FTAL conference

Further topics
Colourful ear with abstract sound waves and lines

How technology is revolutionising hearing acoustics

Digitalisation Further topics

Role of Swiss Industries in New Era of Fusion Energy

Further topics

Kick-off for the Swiss Quantum Industry Network SQIN

Further topics

43rd SATW General Meeting: Many contributions and new talents to help continue the positive course

SATW Further topics

Deborah Müller: A central figure in the promotion of young talent at the SATW

SATW Further topics

How can we safeguard the health of 10 million people in Switzerland and 10 billion worldwide, while ensuring they have nutritious food?

Security of supply Food Further topics

The new SATW annual report is here

SATW Further topics

Thanks to molecular diagnostics, most transplant patients can lead an almost normal life

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SATW welcomes 14 new members

SATW Further topics

Awaken even more joy of discovery

Technology education Further topics

Building bridges between research and industry: 1st year of the Industry Advisory Board

SATW Further topics

We mourn the loss of Prof Dr Niklaus Wirth

Digitalisation Further topics

Federal Council approves the partially revised statutes of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences

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Christoph Borner: Key role in the SATW TecDays at Swiss secondary schools

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Eminent engineering scientists

SATW Press releases Further topics

Erich Windhab: Pioneer of food technology at the SATW

SATW Further topics

Newly elected individual members 2022

SATW Further topics