A legal framework for AI in Switzerland
Can Artificial Intelligence Sense the Zeitgeist and Create Culture?
How should “artificial intelligence” be regulated? - A balancing act between welfare-creating innovation and socially acceptable risk.
AI in industry – how Swiss SMEs are cleverly driving innovation forward
A sober look at the myth of AI: the impact of artificial intelligence on humans
A realistic look at the AI myth: AI in medical technology – a curse or a blessing?
New study: How the potential of AI can be utilised to reduce the impact of climate change on Switzerland
How artificial intelligence is influencing cyber security
Forum on the integration of AI and cobots: Experts discuss future developments at the Second Swiss Robotics Forum in Biel/Bienne
A realistic look at the AI myth: Dog paints picture – who does it belong to?
A realistic look at the AI myth: Automated cars injure pedestrians - what now?
AI to Mitigate Climate-Change-Impact on Swiss Society and Economy
A realistic look at the AI myth: Robodog injures jogger - what now?
Artificial intelligence: Are we on the brink of a new era?
AI Policy Summit 2023: Shaping the Future of Global AI Governance
Is democracy threatened by artificial intelligence?
SAIROP: Swiss Artificial Intelligence Research Overview Platform
Artificial Intelligence vs COVID-19
Euro-CASE Conference 2018: The Afternoon
Euro-CASE Conference 2018: The Morning