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22 articles

Processed & Future Food in Focus: Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives for our Health


How can we safeguard the health of 10 million people in Switzerland and 10 billion worldwide, while ensuring they have nutritious food?

Security of supply Food Further topics

2024 SATW Annual Congress - “How to safeguard the health of 10 million people in Switzerland, and 10 billion people worldwide, and ensure they have sufficient food?”

SATW Press releases Food

Innovative project ideas for a sustainable Swiss food system

Press releases Food

Machine-learning models for the detection of bacterial contamination in the food industry

Approved projects

Waste2Taste: Hybrid protein food from the fermentation of okara with fungi

Approved projects

Measuring system for in-line characterisation of structured plant/hybrid protein food texture as part of value chain digitalisation

Approved projects

Protein-packed pits: Fermentation concepts for plant-based yogurt alternatives made from lactic acid-fermented apricot seeds

Approved projects

Alcohol-free beer without sugar: ‘Beer Zero’

Approved projects

ProOH – Cohesion process for novel, sustainable, protein-rich and vegetarian foods

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Making full use of healthy whey

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Porous grid structures for laboratory steak

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Prawns without the catch

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Turning plants into ice lollipops

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How could micro-organisms reduce mycotoxins in cereals?

Approved projects

Peas without the beany taste

Approved projects

Investigating the role of harvesting on beany flavour development in peas

Approved projects

Regulated digestion of protein-rich dietary fibre mixtures from by-products of cereal, oilseed, fruit and vegetable processing in Switzerland (ReVeN-CH)

Approved projects

Minimisation of astringency in plant-based milk alternatives through a two-phase drinking system

Approved projects

Innovative biovalorisation of secondary-product wheat bran for improving processability and end product quality in cold extrusion.

Approved projects