Obituary – Prof. Dr Urs Hochstrasser, SATW Member

Urs Hochstrasser celebrated his 99th birthday on 12 January 2025, an occasion that was a touching and emotional moment and which, despite limitations due to poor health, he was still able to mark in hospital. This visionary scientist, who went down in history in Switzerland as the "father figure of atomic energy", died only a few days later on 21 January. His death sees Switzerland losing not only an outstanding expert, but also a person whose life and work are inextricably linked with the development of atomic energy and the scientific policy of the country.

Switzerland was confronted by an enormous challenge in the 1950s. Power consumption doubled within a decade, with hydroelectric power reaching the limits of its capacity. Urs Hochstrasser recognised the potential inherent in atomic energy at an early stage, being inspired by President Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" initiative (1953). As an ETH nuclear physicist and computer specialist, he was appointed to the Bureau of Standards in Washington in 1955. Aside from his activities as an assistant professor at the American University in Washington and as an associate professor at the University of Kansas, he contributed significantly to the establishment of the computer centre and computer science education in Kansas.

The experience he gained on an international level made him a much sought-after expert. January 1957 saw the bilateral agreement between Switzerland and the United States on the peaceful use of atomic energy come into force. Urs Hochstrasser was installed as the first science councillor at the Swiss embassy in Washington, becoming the first science councillor in the Swiss diplomatic service. The Federal Council selected him as an "atomic delegate" four years later, a pioneering role that he took on with vision and resolve.

His influence on the expansion of nuclear energy in Switzerland was particularly formative. He persuaded Federal Councillor Spühler to convince power plants to skip the intermediate stage involving oil-fired power stations and commence the construction of nuclear power plants directly. Urs Hochstrasser's regard for environmental considerations back then influenced the emphasis on placing atomic energy in the foreground. In contrast to oil, it emits no sulphur dioxide and almost no CO2 and, together with hydropower, it can assure the supply of electricity in Switzerland at any time.

The successful ordering of the first reactor for the Beznau plant by the company NOK in the 1960s was a significant milestone, and Urs Hochstrasser was a proud invitee at the inauguration of the Beznau nuclear power plant in 1969. This plant is the oldest of its kind in the world that is still in operation.

In addition to his role as a promoter of atomic energy, Urs Hochstrasser was also a key figure in the development of approval procedures and safety standards for nuclear plants. His dual role, namely as a promoter of this new technology and a supervisor, would be barely conceivable today. Nonetheless, he enjoyed the confidence of his contemporaries and represented Switzerland in international organisations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and in projects such as Dragon and Eurochemic. His confidence in the safety of Swiss nuclear power plants remained undiminished until his death.

But Urs Hochstrasser's commitment went far beyond atomic energy. With the establishment of the Swiss Science Council, the Department of Science and Research and supplementing of the University Promotion Law (HFG), he shaped Swiss science and research policy. From 1969, he headed the new Department of Science and Research at the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA), which later became the Federal Office of Education and Science. He was responsible for the formulation and implementation of a coherent scientific policy until his retirement in 1989. However, success was not always assured. The education article was rejected in a referendum, with the cantonal majority voting against it, but many of his visions are still evident in today's educational and research landscape.

His scientific legacy has also been evident in difficult times. The political reaction to the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011 was sharply criticised by Urs Hochstrasser: "If a nuclear power station of the same design as at Mühleberg had been built in Fukushima, this catastrophe could have been prevented." Even at the advanced age of 91, he strenuously objected in 2017 to the Energy Law that envisaged a prohibition of new nuclear power stations. In December 2024, he saw that new developments were being initiated that corroborated his convictions, giving him some minor satisfaction for his lifetime of dedication.

In addition to an enormous appreciation of his intellect, his colleagues also valued his human warmth and kindness and his passion for science. Urs Hochstrasser was a man who, in addition to his visionary stance, did not shy away from active involvement, thus providing a role model for generations of scientists.

The Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) mourns the loss of an extraordinary scientist and visionary. Urs Hochstrasser's life was shaped by a deep conviction regarding the power of science, and he not only expressed this in terms of energy policy, but also in shaping the educational and research landscape in Switzerland. His actions have left indelible impressions, and his legacy will inspire future generations.