The new SATW annual report is here

The Panorama 2023 / 24 reflects a year full of events, encounters and publications that explore the questions of where technologies can take us. Our task as the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences is to accompany these changes, to promote the associated opportunities and to critically discuss possible effects on our society with representatives from business, science and politics.

Panorama 2023 / 24

We would like to emphasise three particular highlights:

  • SATW's first annual congress took place on 17 May 2023, attracting around 280 guests from various industries and bringing the Google premises in Zurich to life in a unique way. The next annual congress will take place on 13 May 2024 near Lausanne. If you don't want to miss the event, register now.
  • On 10 June 2023, around 120 young women and their mentors celebrated the Farewell Day and thus the successful conclusion of the Swiss TecLadies mentoring programme in three language regions. By the way, the new programme starts in September – inform your daughter, niece or granddaughter and register her in German, French or Italian now.
  • The new edition of the Technology Outlook was launched in three language regions in autumn 2023. The SATW study brings together the most important findings of 183 experts from the worlds of business and science and offers society guidance in the technology jungle. At the vernissages in Zurich, Lausanne and Lugano, there was intensive discussion about what is needed to drive innovation forward: radical rethinking, international cooperation and interdisciplinarity. 

2023 in figures






Participants in events


Media reports


Followers on social media

Panorama 2023/24 in German

Panorama 2023/24 in French