Role of Swiss Industries in New Era of Fusion Energy

The aim of this closed discussion was to bring together key players in fusion energy today, along with representatives from Swiss industries and innovation sectors, to explore Switzerland’s potential involvement in the emerging commercial era of fusion energy - beyond the large international ITER research project.


What is the best strategy for Swiss industries and academia to seize the immense opportunities on the horizon, which could significantly enhance the country’s innovation leadership and economic progress.

Should Switzerland invest in building its own commercial fusion power plant? Should we join forces with existing international efforts? Or should we focus entirely on becoming a key supplier of components to power plants worldwide?

What are the necessary next steps to secure effective support to establish a robust, comprehensive framework for active industrial involvement in fusion energy?

How can we attract a qualified workforce to this rapidly growing field? How can we increase the public awareness, support, and appreciation for fusion within society?

This strategic discussion also served as a preparation for a strategic plan to guide the creation of the platform bringing together Swiss industries, innovation centres, research groups, and all other stakeholders who could contribute to the development and commercialization of fusion energy.

Programme of Roundtable discussion

  • Introduction: Benoit Dubuis
  • Welcome: Paolo Ricci
  • Roundtable discussion moderated by Barbora Bruant Gulejova
  • Conclusions and discussion

Speakers (find details here):


Barbora Bruant Gulejova, S4SF (Science for Sustainable Future) president & FCC Switzerland (CHEF) stakeholders engagement lead

Research representatives:

  • Ambrogio Fasoli, EUROfusion CEO and future provost of EPFL
  • Paolo Ricci, director of Swiss Plasma Center (EPFL)
  • Yves Martin, deputy to the director of SPC
  • Leonardo Biagioni, Head of projects (COO) Fusion for Energy F4E
  • Luigi Scibile, CERN Fusion Technology Coordination Unit, Head
  • Luca Bottura, CERN High Field Accelerator Magnets, Leader
  • John P. Verboncoeur, past president of Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society NPSS, and past director of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE       

Well-advanced Industries active in fusion technologies development (online):

  • Lucio Milanese, Proxima Fusion co-founder and COO
  • Frédérick Bordry, Gauss Fusion CTO
  • Ralf Kaiser, Strategy Board member of Renaissance Fusion, Programme Director ICTP, former Head of Physics Section IAEA

Interface Research – Industry:

  • Milena Roveda, Chair of the European Fusion Association (EFA) Executive Board
  • Michel Huebner, Swiss Industry Liaison Officer with International Research Organizations

Swiss Industry and Innovation Actors:

  • Benoit Dubuis, SATW president
  • Philippe Cordonier, SwissMEM, Responsible for French-speaking Switzerland