Technology at the crime scene


Translated with DeepL

On Monday morning, when the bell rings, nobody from class 2B wants to go into the classroom. The pupils have formed a circle around David, who is talking excitedly, and pepper him with questions. The chemistry lab was broken into at the weekend! David heard it when the headmistress was talking to the PE teacher about it, and he was even able to take a quick look inside the lab before the chemistry teacher shooed him away.

More on this in the current complete issue (in German)

Police museums in Switzerland

Canton of Basel

Canton of Bern

Canton of Graubünden

Canton of Lucerne, guided tour of the police museum

Canton of Lucerne, guided tour of the forensic service

Canton of St. Gallen

Canton of Thurgau

Canton of Zurich, Crime Museum of the Cantonal Police

Canton of Zurich, Zurich City Police Museum

And also

AHA - Digital Forensics

Even more WOW

Technoscope is the SATW's technology magazine for young people. It reports competently and entertainingly on technology and technical professions. Technoscope is published three times a year in German, French and Italian. It can be subscribed to free of charge. Existing issues can be downloaded as PDF files .

Concept and editing:

Beatrice Huber

Editorial collaboration:

Christine D'Anna-Huber, Alexandra Rosakis