technology for society

As the most important network of experts for the engineering sciences in Switzerland, our goal is to further enhance Switzerland’s leading position in this field, and to help ensure that findings are translated into technologies and innovations for the benefit of the economy and society.


Our next events

Webinar "Market potential: What are the benefits of sharing factual data?"

Webinar "Market potential: What are the benefits of sharing factual data?"



TecDay Beaulieu

TecDay Beaulieu

TecDays Technology education 09:00

Gymnase de Beaulieu, Lausanne

Swiss Sustainable Polymer Conference SSPC

Swiss Sustainable Polymer Conference SSPC


FHNW School of Engineering | Building 1, Audimax 1.045 | Klosterzelgstrasse 2 | 5210 Windisch



Module leaders wanted

TecNights TecDays Technology education

Paths to sustainable consumer behaviour


Why you should be vigilant with QR codes

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Knowledge, innovation, progress: the SATW is strengthening its network


Our latest publications


Cybersecurity - Security on the Internet

The internet connects us to the entire world, offering exciting possibilities but also significant risks. The latest issue of Technoscope takes a closer look at cybersecurity and...

Green hydrogen - a contribution to Switzerland's security of supply and decarbonisation

Hydrogen refuelling station with river in the background
The conversion of energy systems to climate neutrality and security of supply poses major challenges for Switzerland. Hydrogen has a special role to play in the efforts to...

Cyber Study 2024: protective measures are often neglected

The Cyber Study 2024 shows: Cybercrime is a serious threat for Swiss SMEs, IT service providers and private individuals - but many are hardly taking any protective measures.

SATW in numbers


Full members


Member Organisations

