Green hydrogen - a contribution to Switzerland's security of supply and decarbonisation
SATW Forum "Defossilisation of the Swiss chemical industry - shaping the future"
How to use the power of AI to reduce the impact of climate change on Switzerland
Future visions and technologies for distribution grids
Nuclear energy technologies: overview of current status and development
Factsheet Security of supply: How can the energy supply be secured in the long term?
Factsheet Bioplastics
Renewable energy production is head of the pack
Critical metals
New energy sources for Switzerland
Decentralised power production needs decentralised storage
Renewable rather than fossil resources
Circular Economy
Future power supply Switzerland
Measuring the use of natural resources and its impacts
Renewable energies
Rare metals
Is nano sustainable?
Crop plants: a source of renewable raw materials
Biofuels – Opportunities and Limits