SATW is a network of key figures from science and industry. Individuals who make a special contribution to furthering SATW’s goals and/or the engineering sciences can be elected Full Members. All members are elected in a secret ballot of eligible voters in a procedure directed by the Nomination Committee.
19 new Full Members were elected in 2025, as a result of which SATW now has a total of 382 Full and 8 Honorary Members. The new members’ election will be marked at the Annual Congress on 27 May by a certificate presentation ceremony.
Dr. Manuel Aschwanden (Optotune Switzerland AG) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his visionary technological innovations and entrepreneurial successes in founding and growing a company that has become a global leader in adaptive optical components.
Christian Bach (Empa) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his significant achievements in the scientific and technological development of post-fossil mobility and its consistent advancement through his involvement in transdisciplinary platforms with a strong public reach.
Prof. Hans Peter Beck (University of Bern/CERN) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his fundamental contributions to elementary particle physics, his success in helping set up national and international scientific and young talent programmes and his committed involvement in technological and scientific issues at national and international level.
Max Erick Busse-Grawitz (Maxon International AG) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his long-standing and successful work in technology transfer between research and industry, particularly in robotics.
Dr. Marc Cadisch (DDPS) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his exemplary leadership of the Spiez Laboratory and his significant contributions to protection against nuclear, biological and chemical threats.
Prof. Giovanni De Micheli (EPFL) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his outstanding contributions to electronics in developing innovative methods and design tools for automated circuit design and for his commitment to national research cooperation.
Vincent Ducrot (SBB) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his outstanding commitment to the implementation of innovative solutions in the transport sector that are increasing the appeal and competitiveness of public transport.
Prof. Ambrogio Fasoli (EPFL) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his numerous and significant scientific contributions to the field of plasma physics and his comprehensive commitment in promoting, organising and leading fusion research in Switzerland and Europe.
Dr. Barbara Frei-Spreiter (Schneider Electric Switzerland AG) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of her outstanding achievements as a leadership figure in energy management and automation as well as her significant contributions to sustainability and equal opportunities in the industry.
Dr. Andreas Fuhrer (IBM Research Europe – Zurich) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his outstanding contributions at the interface between physical basic research and industrial application, particularly in quantum computing.
Prof. Detlef Günther (ETH Zurich) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his groundbreaking scientific and industrial research into trace element analysis and microanalysis as well as his defining leadership role and initiatives in knowledge and technology transfer.
Prof. Sophia Haussener (EPFL) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of her interdisciplinary and visionary scientific contributions to the development of broad-based and sustainable sunlight conversion and storage technologies for the energy transition.
Prof. Maksym Kovalenko (ETH Zurich and Empa) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of scientific breakthroughs in perovskite-based nanocrystals and quantum dots with unique optoelectronic properties for a new era in display or quantum technologies.
Prof. Hannes Lubich (Board Member and advisor) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his significant contributions to cybersecurity research and education and for his outstanding commitment in shaping cybersecurity strategy in Switzerland.
Prof. Stefan Palzer (Nestlé S.A.) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his achievements in networking essential industrial food technology with cutting-edge academic research by means of his trailblazing global involvement and his groundbreaking research contributions.
Prof. Andreas Pautz (Paul Scherrer Institut PSI) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his leading international role in nuclear safety research, including the development of multiphysics simulation software and experimental neutronics, and his commitment to training the next generation of nuclear engineers.
Dr. Silvia Quarteroni (Swiss Data Science Center) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of her leading contributions to the Swiss Data Science Center and her significant commitment in setting the course of digital innovation in Switzerland.
Dr. Johannes Schumm (Sensirion AG) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the development of miniaturised sensors and to the establishment of agile innovation structures in a rapidly growing Swiss semiconductor technology company.
Prof. Dirk Wilhelm (ZHAW) has been appointed a Full Member of SATW in recognition of his scientific achievements and his exemplary commitment to systematically promoting young talent in the engineering sciences at Swiss universities of applied sciences.