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120 articles

Music and technology

Technoscope Technology education

Utilisation analysis of STEM funding initiatives in Switzerland

Studien und Publikationen Technology education

Making autonomous systems fly in Zurich


Working from home and cyber security in Swiss SMEs


Schaffhausen industry - today and tomorrow


Blockchain: opportunities and risks

Technoscope Technology education

The SATW supports projects in the field of artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Building for the world of tomorrow

Technoscope Technology education

Study about «Emerging Technology Domains»


Technology Outlook 2021


Panorama 2020

SATW Further topics

Medical technology - technology that helps people

Technoscope Technology education

CLIMATE - How do we save the climate?

Technoscope Technology education

Plastic waste - How plastic is created and what impact it has on the environment

Technoscope Technology education

Dependencies and sovereignty

Cybersecurity Map

Data protection

Cybersecurity Map

Digitalisation / e-government

Cybersecurity Map

Cloud computing

Cybersecurity Map

Information operations and warfare

Cybersecurity Map

Internet of Things (IoT) and Operational Technology (OT)

Cybersecurity Map