TecDay Menzingen
The Cyber Study 2024 shows the need for action
Innovation thanks to networking: Prof. Roger Marti appointed Head of the Topical Platform Chemistry
Tecday Chaux-de-Fonds
MINTMaker 2030 - from the product idea to the prototype
A legal framework for AI in Switzerland
Can Artificial Intelligence Sense the Zeitgeist and Create Culture?
TecNight Wohlen: 800 pupils and hundreds of interested people on a voyage of discovery - with astronaut Claude Nicollier
Kick-off for the Swiss Quantum Industry Network SQIN
Tecday Sierre
Strengthening Swiss cyber security: The advantages of ECSO membership
How should “artificial intelligence” be regulated? - A balancing act between welfare-creating innovation and socially acceptable risk.
Swiss TecLadies Mentoring Programme 2024-25: 120 young women conquer the STEM world
AI in industry – how Swiss SMEs are cleverly driving innovation forward
Processed & Future Food in Focus: Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives for our Health
How do women reach the management level of Swiss technology companies?
Secure data exchange: legal basis and practical tools
A sober look at the myth of AI: the impact of artificial intelligence on humans
The future of nuclear energy: discussions and technological developments in the energy system transition
Information operations and information warfare: challenges and strategies for Switzerland